Glastonbury 2019: Edith Bowman Apologises After Sparking Lady Gaga And Bradley Cooper Peformance Rumours

Broadcaster Edith Bowman has apologised after sparking a rumour that Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga could be performing an A Star Is Born-themed set at Glastonbury this weekend.

Edith – who has repeatedly been a part of the BBC’s Glastonbury coverage – teased during an appearance on Sunday Brunch that she might know of one surprise act who’ll be performing at this year’s festival.

Edith Bowman

She cryptically explained: “I can’t possibly say… On my podcast I had Bradley Cooper talking about A Star Is Born, and when I spoke to him I was like, ‘I just want to see you guys do a gig, you know play it live’.

“He was like, ‘Well, we have been talking to [Glastonbury organiser] Emily Eavis about it, we’d do the Park Stage’ and I said ‘That would be amazing! Bradley Cooper and Gaga doing the Park Stage’.”

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga at Glastonbury

Following Edith’s comments, several media outlets ran news stories about Bradley and Gaga’s supposed Glastonbury performance, prompting a response from Emily Eavis herself.

Quote-tweeting an NME article, she wrote: “Before this one gets out of control… the answer is no, that isn’t happening.”

Edith then responded, telling Emily: “So sorry this has grown arms and legs. Blame Mr Cooper.”

So far, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper have only performed their chart-topping A Star Is Born cut Shallow together on two occasions, once during one of her Las Vegas residency shows, and once at the Academy Awards.

The latter performance generated a lot of talk on Twitter about the pair’s on-screen chemistry, prompting Gaga to refer to social media as “the toilet of the internet” in an interview shortly afterwards.