Medical Check Up: Legok-Serpong
Cerita lanjutan dari interview, hari senin pagi dikabarin lagi supaya ngikutin med-check di klinik perusahaan di legok, kemudian dilanjutin check darah sama rontgen di klinik swasta di dekat WTC Serpong.
Cerita serunya gini, diawal med-check kita (para potensial staff) nanya lagi tentang informasi, beberapa yang ditanya tentang status job (kontrak/tetap/trial) jika bukan staff tetap maka berapa lama? berapa nominal potensial salary? Well, tentang salary ini ternyata gw salah dengar atau salah persepsi atau ada kesalahan dalam penyampaian, intinya “this topic are really make me consider more to take this job”, kemudian hal kedua yang buat ragu adalah “contract range”, a year is really long time to progress, how can we take the loan? or propose some subsidies for taking/build a house?
Cerita seru keduanya, I really have a big problem with my eyes, this eyes are really tired, and exploited much, and this situation already considered on last week, on my last futsal game, and I already think on this at that day. Med-check ini ada manfaatnya juga, saatnya menjadwalkan kembali tidur siang dan jeda istirahat untuk mata.
Cerita seru ketiganya, the doctor checking potential hernia on mine, hahaha, spontaneously I asked him, what is the need of “this” check? Last time I get the similar check up which less civilized when I take test for Taruna (Nusantara) high school.
Cerita seru keempat, setelah semua check up di klinik perusahaan, kita diminta untuk cek darah dan rontgen di WTC Serpong, wow!! where are we now? do they realize that “legok” hard to be identified in the map (hahahaha), and it really need much will to complete this check up.
Jadi, kesimpulannya? 😉