setting up new web profile for IAIC
so this is the moment… while ago we used one platform to publish information about IAIC, but now days after 3 years with the last one we try to explore more and describe it on some platforms, means there isnt just one platforms.
let see, IAIC now have 1 DEP (Dewan Eksekutif Pusat) which is have to described as main organization which have 6 DEW (Dewan Eksekutif Wilayah), 3 BSO (Badan Semi Otonom); BMT Insan Cendekia-IAIC Learning Center-Jiwandaru, and some of unformal body to support communication networks.
from the latest one that publish many information about IAIC members, domain now have to focus to display the means, the basic information about organization, and because of that many domain will be publish shortly to support differentiation and distribution traffic of information.