Innovation: Mixing Bottle
Finaly I can post this, sorry lads, dont have much time to editing…
On our 1st semester at Product Design and Manufacture Class, we meet Prof. Tresna that lecturing Us “Product Design and Methodology” that use Product Design and Development Methode by Ulrich-Eppinger as primary reference, even we also use Engineering Design by Dieter as Second reference.
After quite long analysis (for sure we selected product that we develop by using a Method), we decide to develop “Botol Pengaduk” / Mixing Bottle, we combine many options and decide to take two pilot project to develop, but still on Mixing Bottle area, which are: Mechanic and Electronic.
For Mechanic, We use gears to help us distribute force so it can drive pulley and rotate mixer on the Bottle.
For Electronic, We use small motor to generate force then drive like above method.
Quite exciting exactly, but for sure our Prof. said it not just about how to make the product, but also develop our mind set about methods that use on every step of processes that can produce this product. 😀
Finally, We succeed to develop our “Botol Pengaduk” 😀
Our “Botol Pengaduk” Team Member: (from the right of Prof. Tresna) Wibawa Purabaya, Abdullah Arifianto, Wina Libyawati (check credit members)
Left-Right: Mr. Sugeng (2nd Lecturer), Yeny Pusvyta, Romiyadi, Wina Libyawati, Abdullah Arifianto, Wibawa Purabaya, Prof.Tresna (1st Lecturer)