Chopping Machine (Home Scale)

Optimize Decomposer Work by Minimize Organics Waste Size with Chopping Machine (Home Scaled) to Reduce Time Composting Process

That’s is our Project Title, absolutely we make the paper, but sorry we can’t share the paper… 😀

Some of Pictures while We Constructing the Machine

Chopping Machine

Our Team: Mr. Mustajab, Mr. Carlos, and off course Me (Abdullah Arifianto)

Research Design Class

Left-Right Top: Abdullah Arifianto, Sena Mahendra, Fahni M, Wina Libyawati, Yuyu, prof.Raldi, Yeni Pusvyta, Carlos BSM, Romiyadi, Iwan Wahyudin, Dody Darsono, Bottom: Irwan Mustajab, Wibawa Purabaya, Bayu Aji, Damora Rhakasywi

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