Mass Transportation
Sumatera is one of the vast islands in Indonesia with population approximately about 45 million peoples and still growing. With its complexity of characteristic and mobility of the natives, it supposes to have a good transportation infrastructures and facilities.
Unfortunately, the condition of infrastructures and facilities are far from the quality that it should. As a result this condition creates in-sufficient and in-efficient mobilization of peoples. Many of travel time expand to 50% than its actual time.
With this condition the Local Government of any regions in Sumatera should solve this transportation problem. Many ways are already conducted, but in partial way, that doesn’t make the problems fully solve.
Train and Toll Way are the kind of transport facilities. Train in other way is a good mass transportation vehicle, and Toll Way is an infrastructure that can reduce travel time.
The Solutions that can be chosen are:
- Train as a backbone of transportation
- Toll way as reducer of travel time and distance
Train is a mass rapid transit, it can carry more than a hundred passengers in every bogey which means more than 500 hundred passengers can be loaded for every single trip (for 5 bogey). Toll Way can reduce travel time by cutting the distances since the local road have many curve.